Friday, April 23, 2010

Kiu Hun (Pamamanhikan)

Thank God for this particular tiny red book that has taught me everything that I have to know about preparing for my BIG day. For someone who grew up without really observing all the traditional Chinese practices, I really appreciate having a handy-dandy guide book telling me all the things needed and steps to consider as well.

A couple of months after The Proposal, Paul made arrangements with his parents as to when they will be visiting to meet with my family and to formally ask my hand for marriage.

In the local culture, this is called Pamamanhikan, for us Filipino-Chinese, we call it Kiu Hun.

The Kiu Hun date was set right after New Year's Day and right before 10am, Paul, his parents and his younger brother arrived at our home with boxes of round fruits, sweets and cookies as gifts to my family.

Preparations were made on our end too. My loving Gwakong (maternal grandfather) prepared Cha Misua for everyone while my mom had sticky desserts to serve to our very important guests too.

We also made sure that each side has an even number of guests. I guess even numbers are considered lucky as I have encountered more even number situations later on.

Our Kiu Hun took more than two hours where we discussed the date of our Ting Hun (engagement), the number of guests for our BIG day and a lot more. This is normally the time wherein both families will finalize matters pertaining to both the Ting Hun and the Wedding Day.

After the Kiu Hun, we all had a clearer idea on how to plan our BIG day. Also, it made me feel really good that we officially got the blessings of our dear parents and elder relatives to get married. :)

image source: istockphoto

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